Have you been frustrated with managing your financial accounts? Are you overwhelmed with the flood of information on how to manage your money? Do you wish there was something out there that would tell you how to best spend your money based on where you’re at in life?
Now you can breathe a sigh of relief because there’s a new sheriff in town looking to solve all this and more.
We sat down with Caleb Kioh, founder and chief product officer of WalletGyde, to learn more and quickly realized we were in the presence of a true game changer, a disrupter, a shoot-for-the-stars differentiator. And that describes their entire team all the way down to their software that launches this week.
Their passion shines through in WalletGyde, a financial technology (FinTech) company aimed at solving personal finance issues the world over. Caleb has thoughtfully studied the shortcomings that cause issues such as crippling student debt, poor spending habits, and financial illiteracy to provide a solution through this platform.
Look out, millennials, this one’s for us because we do not need any more information – we need direction. A more hands-on approach to getting from where we are to where we want to be. Why? Because we already have so much darn information and we already understand that money can be leveraged. However, that doesn’t translate to spending habits and solid plans in our adventure-seeking lives. WalletGyde provides this direction in a sleek, attractive, and simple-to-use platform for your desktop or mobile device.
Under the Hood of WalletGyde
In the FinTech industry, there are three main categories: payment (like PayPal), lending (like Lending Club), and personal finance (like Mint). So far there have been giant IPOs in the payment and lending spaces but not in the personal finance space. WalletGyde may be poised as the first personal finance company in this industry to do so.
Some of the factors that will get them there is consolidating all of your accounts into one central platform with real-time updates. Instead of tracking down all of your accounts separately, this compiles them into one so you can focus on living your life instead of gathering information.
Through the power of education, WalletGyde can truly help change lives by empowering users to make the most of their income by visualizing the future, competing with friends and family on the social component and an artificial intelligence feature backed by Microsoft to autocorrect your budgets based on your actual spending trends (Yes, Microsoft. Boom!). So when you splurge on that $200 pair of shoes, the software will automatically adjust to visually display how that affects your goals.
As you can see, this is a powerful tool with smart intuitive technology aimed at a person’s overall financial status. It will help you do things like eliminate student debt, buy that dream car, own your own home, and everything in between.
If you’ve ever bought a home before, you know there are terms, ratios, and benchmarks like debt-to-income ratios, credit score, etc. It’s too late to discover these things when speaking to lenders, so WalletGyde will prepare you for these types of things by making you a more savvy spender and showing you what to do to get there so you’re fully prepared.
Origin Story
As alluded to earlier, there are so many macro-economic forces at play, causing the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, which is not just an American problem. That didn’t sit well with Caleb Kioh. As he dug into the factors causing such dire situations for so many of the world’s citizens, he decided to act.
Driven by his own experience and frustrations managing finances in a manual fashion, he sought to empower the masses to literally change their lives through technology. “It was a no brainer,” says Kioh. “Technology has come so far that there had to be a way to get rid of the headache involved with personal financial management.”
He wanted to unleash the power of information around this very sensitive topic and instead make it fun, attractive, and something people look forward to in their day. Something that people would faithfully utilize to drive change among everyday consumers.
Don’t Miss Out on the Launch
If this excites you like it does them, then you have to check them out on the web. They are stacked with great leaders like Vik, the chief technology officer; Jourdan, the chief marketing officer; Erika, the director of customer engagement; and of course, Zack the chief executive officer. You can connect with them on LinkedIn through their site.
WalletGyde is launching their software digitally this week, so stay tuned to their social media pages and blog site to know exactly how to sign up. Don’t miss out on your chance to be an original in this movement! (WalletGyde Social Sites: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest)
“There’s just one catch,” Caleb says. “You have to simply let us know about your experience. This is a product for you and we want to be partners in development with you so if you don’t like something, or you do like something on the platform, let us know through the feedback portion of the site. The only way it works is if we are hearing directly from you and everyone is growing together. We want this to be a safe space so people can provide us honest feedback.”
WalletGyde: Your True Power Partner
In this microwave generation of wanting everything fast, WalletGyde hits the nail on the head with intuitive design and practical to-do’s with you in mind. If they have it their way, they can and will solve these issues that may be holding you back.
And the launch is only the start! They have big plans for growth as they work to combat these suppressive trends including a mobile app, powerful job search, and investment tools. So as your financial outlook improves and you gain more experience, WalletGyde will point you to the next best step so you are always moving forward.
The WalletGyde team hopes you will join with them to make this dream come true. Join their social groups – whichever makes most sense for you – and start unlocking your potential.
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