June 11, 2015 |
in Gladiator Spotlight, Issue 16 |
Audrey Strong |
The future is NOW!...Building the brotherhood of young gladiators!
April 22, 2015 |
in Community Spotlight, Issue 15 |
Kevin Mullin |
Volunteering as a family was a great opportunity for us to be together and strengthen our bonds while doing something to help the community.
April 13, 2015 |
in Community Spotlight, Issue 14 |
The Modern Gladiator |
Modern Gladiator magazine is hosting networking/social events on a monthly basis to help inform, educate, and network. Our networking events are serving as a platform where we collectively learn how to grow in our personal and business lives, and become more engaged in our communities and the world around us. This new concept in networking is the […]
April 10, 2015 |
in Cover, Defining the Modern Gladiator, Issue 15 |
Doug Osness |
Got a “Big Why” Worthy of a Modern Gladiator? “Why even be a modern gladiator or gladiatrix? Is it just a cool, trendy label or is there more to it?” I don’t know about you, but I’ve got plenty of ways to spend my time and don’t need another networking group. “I was drawn to […]
April 10, 2015 |
in Cover, Fashion, Issue 15, The Women of MG |
Leila Korn |
Does your fitness attire need a makeover? I’m not one of those people that dress up to go to the gym; the gym is meant for sweating and being comfortable. Comfortable does not mean that you show up in your pajamas or T-shirts with holes, looking like a Gruyere cheese! You can still infuse a […]
February 19, 2015 |
in Gladiator Spotlight, Issue 14 |
Audrey Strong |
In the race of life, Mike Valentine is thrust by purpose. This Modern Gladiator will stop at nothing to put you in the driver seat so you can take command of your life!
February 19, 2015 |
in Defining the Modern Gladiator, Features |
Martin Alvarez |
January 14, 2015 |
in Features, Gladiator Spotlight, Issue 13 |
Audrey Strong |
"Gladiator Cowboy"- Award-winning rodeo bareback rider, Casey Colletti - Shares his story of determination, grit and passion with Modern Gladiators.
January 14, 2015 |
in Cover, Defining the Modern Gladiator, Editor's Picks, Issue 13 |
Mike Valentine |
The Wisdom of The Red Dot – “You Are Here” …Have you been looking for love in the wrong places? The perennial wisdom of the ages teaches that the power is here/now. It makes sense. Where else could it be? If real power is only somewhere else, we are truly all screwed. Yet many—almost all—of […]